Thursday, August 6, 2009

My nerd initiation

This will be short and sweet...

A meaningful idea occured to me the other day and I thought to myself, "this would be a really good thing to blog on." So I sat down first to get some work done on the computer, then to post a blog. As I started sorting through my thoughts on how to present this, I kept drifting to the Harry Potter book I am reading that I really like and really want to finish. So let the hazing begin. It's 9:30, the kids are asleep, my wife is watching So You Think You Can Dance, and all I want to do is read about a boy-wizard. I hope I haven't lost all credibility.

p.s. I'll post again soon... I am almost done with the book.

1 comment:

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

For your birthday on Monday, I will pardon you of your nerdiness. ;o)