Saturday, April 11, 2009

Going Green

So I have finally broken down.  I fought a good fight.  I agree that it is important to do what we can to save the Earth, etc, etc.  But I have a hard time believing the worst-case scenarios that we get fed sometimes.  Still, at the behest of many around me, I am going to do MY part and become a little greener.  I have decided that, whenever possible, I am going to pee outside. You know I live in Arizona, so it's just rock and dirt.  I figure with the average toilet in the US flushing 1.5 gallons of water with each flush, if I can go outside just three times a day, I will be saving 1642.5 gallons of water a year.   That is enough water for the annual dietary recommended consumption of between 5.5 to 8 people (depending on whether we are counting men or women). Go me!

I hate to do this, but I fear that some potential readers do not understand my sense of humor well enough to know that I am only kidding....... mostly.


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

If its yellow, let it mellow. If its brown flush it down. That's how we go green. ;o)

Unknown said...

if you sprinkle when you twinkle be a sweetie and stay away from the seaty

The Aston Project said...

YOU are definately Paul's brother...

April Hunsaker said...

Is that green or yellow? Only a boy would choose this option!! Since I am not going to pee outside I think I'll choose recycling. Much easier

bottse said...

I don't know Dan, the idea sounded good to me, however the security guard at our condo, thought the third floor balcony was inappropriate.

Uncle Bill

Uncle Bill said...

On a more serious note, for those of you that are drinking this "Global warming Kool-Aid" or are giving it some thought, my I recommend two books on the subject.
"Cool It": The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming: Bjørn Lomborg and "Red Hot Lies": How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed: Christopher C. Horner
I challenge you to learn the other side of the story.

Uncle Bill

CAMI said...

Ok this is hilarious! I miss your sense of humor!
I guess Ty's been green for a while!

Gary Shirley Ann Aston Family Blog said...

Dan, Please hurry up and write something new so that every time I check your blog to be enlightened I don't have to be reminded again that my son wrote about "peeing outside" at age 32! I love you anyway, Mom.